Jan Evans
London, Ontario
About Me
“The Glory of God is the human being fully alive.” St Irenaeus
My desire is that I, and those I companion, will experience being fully alive as they grow and deepen their personal connection with God, others and self. To this end I companion others as they explore their unique journey of discovering ‘Christ within, the hope of glory’ and open themselves to being transformed unto the mind and heart of Christ. My engagement with spiritual direction has helped me to discover God in all things and discover the meaning and deeper purpose of all life experiences. I have enjoyed a long career in health care, facilitating the holistic development of children and youth with complex disabilities. I bring this holistic perspective into my spiritual direction practice, honouring body, mind and spirit.
I offer one-to-one direction face to face or in my home and I companion persons in the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises in the context of daily life. I offer a variety of retreats and workshops within both church and the greater community contexts. I work with groups facilitating contemplative practices and group spiritual direction sessions. I teach spiritual direction and formation in the Ontario Jubilee Program. I offer one-to-one supervision to other spiritual directors.
Available For
In person, Phone, Skype, Zoom
Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, Enneagram, Discernment, Centering Prayer, Compassion/social justice, Contemplative Prayer Practices, Self Compassion, Disabilities, Health Care, Grief and loss, Multi-faith relations
Telephone: 519-680-0194
Email: jan171@rogers.com
Website: www.janspiritualdirection.com